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Wood-burning fireplaces
Any description falls short of explaining the quality of Austroflamm fireplaces.
Regarding its operation, probably one of the best in the world, we are faced with tremendously efficient devices in its entire range:
Its efficiency above 78% indicates devices with a really high heating capacity with minimal consumption of firewood.
CO emissions below 0.12% make them very environmentally friendly devices in addition to indicating exceptional combustion quality.
And lastly and perhaps most importantly, its dust emissions into the atmosphere make any other device on the market pale with values below 40 mg/Nm³ across the entire range.
Regarding its quality, it has the most advanced systems for combustion air regulation, door self-closing systems, the innovative Keramott interior material , Heat Memory System heat accumulation systems, convection hoods, decorative frames for not mention the exceptional finishes.
Regarding its technology, the Austroflamm R&D department studies and innovates year after year to always offer the best features in its models, the highlights being:
Heat Memory System (HMS) heat accumulation systems with which the device provides us heat up to 9 hours after the fire has ended.
Highly refractory interior material, Keramott , built from titanium oxide capable of reflecting all the heat to the combustion chamber.
All these virtues mean that the customer who tries an Austroflamm device does not want to return to any other type of device.